Week 5: Future Technology and Working with Optical EO Data
A look at future trends for EO and 3 practical guides for working with EO data
Topic 5a - Future trends part 1: New satellite technology and data services
A look at new satellite technology and data services
Topic 5b - Future trends part 2: Ground stations
The changing technology and role of ground stations
Topic 5c - Future trends part 3: Open data and new data services
How EO data can be freely accessed by the public
Topic 5d - Future trends part 4: Climate change and policy
Scientific data has become increasing important for policy making, especially in relation to climate change
Topic 5e - Practical Guide: Accessing data (part 1) - Overview
Part 1 of the practical guide: accessing data
Topic 5e - Practical Guide: Accessing data (part 2) - In-depth
Part 2 of the Practical guide: accessing data
Topic 5f - Practical Guide: How are data processed?
Processing EO data.
Topic 5g - Practical Guide: The future of online data services
Using data products
Course Round-up and end of week test
Course round-up and end of week test
Supplementary module - Earth Observation - Disruptive Technology and New Space
An additional short course on the future of Earth Observation