Week 4: Living Oceans
How weather and climate affect phytoplankton, and the role of phytoplankton in the carbon cycle and measuring biodiversity.
The story of oceans and climate would not be complete until we explore the impact of weather and climate on marine life.
An introduction to ocean colour measurements with Dr Hayley Evers-King and Dr Helen Czerski
Ocean colour can be used to estimate pools of different types of carbon in the ocean. This gives a global perspective on the carbon cycle - a key part of the climate change story.
Ocean colour provides information on primary production relevant to fisheries and marine ecology, which can be used develop Earth system models that help predict future climate change
Ocean colour provides information on primary production relevant to fisheries and marine ecology, which can be used to develop Earth system models that help predict future climate change
Scientists at the Sir Alister Foundation for Ocean Sciences (SAHFOS ) use plankton data recorded by the CPR survey to monitor changes in the marine environment.
A diverse range of ecosystems, can be monitored using EO imagery. This can tell us a lot about large communities of organisms living in the ocean
Tracking animals and combining the information they gather with satellite data can provide more information about both their behaviour and the validity of the satellite data products
Extra video on models and future missions for phytoplankton and biodiversity
Interactive exercise to consolidate what you have learned so far.