Topic 1b - The Copernicus Programme and CMEMS

Chlorophyll a concentrations (mg/m3)

Sentinel-3 OLCI chlorophyll-a concentration early result. The dark blues have the lowest concentrations, followed by the light blues, then greens, yellow, and finally red which has the highest concentration of Chlorophyll a.

Sentinel-1 over Italy

ESA image showing Sentinel-1 flying over Italy.

Sentinel-1 carries an advanced radar instrument to provide an all-weather, day-and-night supply of imagery of Earth’s surface. As a constellation of two satellites orbiting 180° apart, the mission images the entire Earth every six days.

Deepwater Horizon MERIS 1 month later

the spill a month later as the oil had entered the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current. In this image the oil is found in the sunglint zone, and therefore appears brighter than the surrounding water because it reflects more of the direct sunlight. A transition zone marks where the oil-water contrast shifts from positive (brighter oil) to negative (darker oil).

Regional sea level change

Regional sea level change graph

North Atlantic Ocean SST

Sea Surface Temperature for the North Atlantic Ocean for 18 July 2016

Deep blue Red Sea reefs

This beautiful true-colour image features the Red Sea coral reefs off the coast of Saudi Arabia.

Eye of an Algal Storm

Sentinel-2A captured this detailed image of an algal bloom in the middle of the Baltic Sea on 7 August 2015. The image, which has a spatial resolution of 10 m, reveals the bloom in exquisite detail as well as a ship heading into the ‘eye of this algal storm’. The ship’s wake can be seen as a straight dark line where the bloom has been disturbed by the ship’s propellers.

Dust Storm over the Red Sea

The Sentinel-3A satellite caught this image of a dust storm blowing east across the Red Sea on 25 July 2016.


Sentinel-1A transmits data to Earth when passing over ground stations in Norway, Italy and Spain.


The island of Tongatapu and the nearby smaller islands – all part of the Kingdom of Tonga archipelago in the southern Pacific Ocean – are pictured in this Sentinel-2A image from 23 May 2016.


Artist impression of Sentinel-3


Sentinel-3a satellite