'); background-image: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(25, 67, 136, 0.7), rgba(25, 67, 136, 0.7)), url('');"
Sea Surface Temperature for the North Atlantic Ocean for 18 July 2016
Provided by Mark Higgins/EUMETSAT
A global array of more than 3,000 free-drifting profiling floats that measures the temperature and salinity of the upper 2000 m of the ocean. Positions shown are of the floats that have delivered data within the last 30 days (18/07/2016).
The Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive (IGRA) consists of radiosonde and pilot balloon observations at over 2,700 globally distributed stations, measuring variables including pressure, temperature, geopotential height, relative humidity, dew point depression, wind direction and speed, and elapsed time..
The Comet Program
From 2005-2009, Solar incoming & reflected,thermal outgoing & netto, Radiation Budget
Global map of surface stations that monitor climate from the Earth’s surface
The Comet Program/NOAA
Without intercalibration. (HOAPS) set is a completely satellite based climatology of precipitation, evaporation and freshwater budget (evaporation minus precipitation) as well as related turbulent heat fluxes and atmospheric state variables over the global ice free oceans
With intercalibration. (HOAPS) set is a completely satellite based climatology of precipitation, evaporation and freshwater budget (evaporation minus precipitation) as well as related turbulent heat fluxes and atmospheric state variables over the global ice free oceans